What is a Dahlia: One of the World's Most Famous Flowers

What is a Dahlia: One of the World’s Most Famous Flowers

Dahlias are perennial herbs with large club-shaped roots. Stem erect, much-branched, 1.5 – 2 m tall, stout. Native to Mexico, Mexicans regard it as a generous, rich symbol, so it is respected as the national flower.


At present, most countries of the world have planted, breeding new varieties come out from time to time, according to statistics, dahlia varieties have exceeded 30,000, is one of the most species of flowers in the world. Dahlia is one of the most famous flowers in the world. Another can invigorate blood disperses stasis, which has certain medicinal value.


Morphological Characteristics

Herbs are perennial with huge club-shaped tuberous roots. Stem erect, much-branched 1.5- 2 m tall, stout. Leaves 1-3 pinnate, upper leaves sometimes undivided, lobes ovate or oblong-ovate, below gray-green, glabrous on both surfaces.

Morphological Characteristics

Inflorescences large, pedunculate, often pendulous, 6-12 cm wide. Involucral bracts were outer about 5, ovate-elliptic, foliaceous, inner membranous, elliptic-lanceolate. Flowers ligulate 1-layered, white, red, or purple, often ovate, apex with indistinct 3-teeth, or entire; Tubular flowers yellow, sometimes all ligulate flowers in cultivated species.

Achenes oblong, 9-12 mm long and 3-4 mm wide, black, flattened, with 2 inconspicuous teeth. Flowering from June to December, fruiting from September to October.


Growth Habit


Dahlias like half shade, the sun is too strong to affect flowering, light time is generally 10-12 hours when cultivating seedlings to avoid direct sunlight.

Growth Habit


Dahlias like cool weather and bloom their largest, most brilliant, and most abundant flowers in late September, but they are not frost resistant, and their stems and leaves immediately wither after frost. During the growth period, the temperature is not strict, 8~35℃ can grow, 15~25℃ is appropriate.



Dahlias are not resistant to drought, not resistant to waterlogging; More rainy days can be poured basin drainage (ground plants need not often watering).



Dahlia is suitable for the cultivation of infertile sandy soil with loose soil and good drainage.



Native to Mexico, it is the most widely cultivated ornamental plant in the world.


Main Category

From the flower shape, dahlias have chrysanthemum shape, lotus shape, peony shape, crab claw shape, etc., the diameter of the flower is small like the size of the wine cup, the large up to more than 30 cm. Their colors are not only red, yellow, orange, purple, light red, and white, but also many more brilliant colors.

Main Category

Dahlia flowers, petals arranged very orderly, unlike peony flowers as intricate size, naturally bold and unrestrained and full of romantic color.

Dahlias are cultivated in a wide variety of varieties, about 30,000 species around the world. According to the size of flowers, there are three types: large flowers (20.3 centimeters or more), medium flowers (10.1 ~ 20.3 centimeters), and small flowers (10.1 centimeters or less). According to the flower shape, it can be divided into sunflower, orchid, ornamental, spherical, blooming, anemone, double color, peony, cactus, wave fold, double petals, double petals of cosmos, rosette, and other flower types.

Main Category

Main Value

Ornamental Value

Dahlias are known as one of the world’s famous flowers mainly because of their long flowering period, large flower diameter, and many flowers.

In the northern region, the flowering period from May to mid-November, under suitable temperature conditions can be annual flowering, with the most flowering after autumn. Boutique dahlia with the largest flower diameter can reach 30-40cm, is currently unique in flowers. The colors are red, purple, white, yellow, orange, pink, and multicolor. The flowers are single and double.

Ornamental Value

The single flower has a shorter opening time, and the double flower has a longer opening time. Flower characteristics and petal shape changes are the main basis for variety identification. There are bulb, chrysanthemum, peony, decorative, dish, hydrangea, and peony flower groups, which are famous for their magnificent colors and beautiful flowers.

Dahlias are suitable for flowerbeds, flower paths, or precourt bushes, and short varieties can be potted.

Ornamental Value

Economic Value

Dahlias are easy to plant and have a good planting effect. Ordinary families can plant and have a long flowering period. The root tubers are planted in late March and can blossom in mid-June.

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